How to select the ideal company for bathroom resurfacing in Niagara Falls, NY

Here are the steps for hiring the ideal company for bathroom resurfacing in Niagara Falls, NY: 1. Research on your bathroom resurfacing company: On the Better Business Bureau website, get a company with the best reputation. There are more than 30 companies that offer bathroomremodeling, Buffalo NY . You may get 25 out of 30 negative reviews on Google, with multiple complaints with the Better Business Bureau and negative reports on Angieslist. 2. Ensure their client satisfaction: Ask to check genuine reviews or testimonials from genuine clients. Dependable companies will have proof of how good they truly are. If they don’t have sufficient reviews and testimonials then ask for recommendations. I would suggest you to ask for three referrals, and call them personally. 3. Ask to check proof of Licensing and Insurance: If they don’t have insurance, you the property owner will be liable for anything and everything that happens. All the contractors offering counter top r...